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“Although the people want to solve the conflict by peaceful means, the international community cannot fulfill the public’s demands. The military council cannot conduct airstrikes in the ethnic areas if the international companies stop the joint venture, for instance, stopping the sale of aviation fuel.” Naw Wah Khu Shee (the Thanlwin Peace Garden)

An interview with Naw Wah Khu Shee, Spokesperson of the Thanlwin Peace Garden.

February 8th, 2022

The internationally-recognized Thanlwin Peace Garden issued a statement on February 5th, denouncing the military council’s airstrikes which resulted in civilian casualties and calling on the international community to put more pressures on the military council.

The KIC interviewed Naw Wah Khu Shee, Spokesperson of the Thanlwin Peace Garden about the statement.

Q: First of all, May I know your view on airstrikes on Thanlwin Peace Garden?

A: As all we know, fighting is taking place in Karen State. The military is carrying out targeted attacks on the civilians as usual. In fact, those killed in the airstrikes are civilians. All military operations by the military council always harm the public. It is found that the military targets the civilians in terms of human rights violations and the areas.

Q: How many times did the military council conduct airstrikes in Thanlwin Peace Garden?

A: Airstrikes in the Thanlwin Peace Garden occurred in late March. At that time, the airstrikes resulted in heavy casualties. I think there have been five or six airstrikes since late March. This is just the report from the Thanlwin Peace Garden alone. The military council conducted airstrikes in Dupalaryar District in Karen State.

Q: What are the challenges and concerns for the locals in the garden due to such attacks?

A: The Thanlwin Peace Garden is the only garden in Karen State, which has got the UN’s recognition. We should respect, recognize and value it. This is a place where the locals themselves are conserving their traditions, wildlife, animals, plants and bamboo through their concerted efforts. This is established as a symbol of peace although fighting was taking place there. Due to the current situation, the people in the garden always have to live in fear. In particular, the children, the elderly and the unhealthy persons find it difficult to flee to other places. Locals have to hide in the forests all the time. They dare only to see their animals when they return to their village. They have to stay in the caves in the forests. It also delays their work. It has an impact on both mental and physical health.

Q: There are the demands for actions taken against such attacks. What is the international response to the frequent demands? Let me know your view on it?

A: We called on the international community to designate a no-fly zone to avoid airstrikes. But it has not materialized yet. Locals called on relevant groups to solve this conflict by peaceful means, for their security. Although the people want to solve the conflict by peaceful means, the international community cannot fulfill the public’s demands. The military council cannot conduct airstrikes in the ethnic areas if the international companies stop the joint venture, for instance, stopping the sale of aviation fuel. We called on the international community to ban arms sales. But it is found that most superpower countries are still selling arms to the military. So, the locals have to protect themselves against the attacks. Locals are in need of defense materials. They have to protect themselves as they are not in a position to get international protection.

Q: What measures should we take to stop ongoing fighting and reduce civilian casualties? To what extent is international pressure crucial?

A: The military council has no desire to cooperate. We cannot hold the talks. We had been engaging in the talks since 2012 till 2021. However, it is impossible to hold talks with the military dictatorship. Putting pressure on the military regime is the only way. Now the people across the country are opposing the military council. So, it is required for all ethnics to have unity. We can do nothing as long as this military dictatorship exists. Violence, oppressions and killings will continue so long as the military regime exists. To make some changes, all ethnics and the entire people need to have unity and join hands. Now the military’s strength is very weak. The international community is required to stand with the public over their demands. The foreign countries especially need to impose economic sanctions and suspend joint ventures. As I mentioned earlier, the international community needs to stop the sale of aviation fuel. We want the international community to stop any kinds of support which can harm the public. There will be changes only when there are such pressures and the unity among the people at home and abroad.

Sent by the KIC.

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