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“I would like to invite youths to cooperate in the regional defence instead of flocking to liberation areas.” Information officer of the CDF-Matupi

An interview with the information officer of the Chinland Defense Force (CDF)-Matupi.

October 29th, 2021

The military council is increasing troop deployments in Matupi Township in the southern Chin State. Thousands of locals from the downtown Matupi and villages near Matupi Township have fled to safer places as they are concerned about offensive operations. The strategic base camp and Light Infantry Battalion-304/140 and Battalion-309 are stationed in Matupi Township. In recent days, the military council is carrying out heavy deployments of troops. The KMG interviewed the information officer of the Chinland Defense Force-Matupi about the latest situation.

Q: May I know the current situation of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Matupi Township?

A: Matupi Township sees an increasing number of IDPs. Almost all people from the villages in the west of Matupi between Mindat and Matupi are hiding in the forests. Some people are staying in the villages where their relatives are living. This is the current situation in the east of Matupi Township. Almost all people from Phanaing and Ngaline in the north of Matupi have fled to the nearby villages. Some people have fled to the liberation areas. Some people in the downtown areas are also fleeing to safer places.

Q: How long have the IDPs been staying in forests? Since when?

A: Locals have to flee to safer places every day. Some IDPs have been staying at a place for over one month. The situation is different due to the emergency and the normal conditions. In some areas, the IDPs are staying at a place for one or two weeks. It is difficult to say exactly.

Q: Why do locals in Matupi Township flee to safer places?

A: The main point is the military council increases deployments in Matupi in the southern Chin State. The military council sends the troops from lower Myanmar. LIB-304 and LIB-140 are already stationed in Chin State. The Battalion-309 and the strategic base camp are also present. I think locals have fled to safer places as they fear that the military is in a position to carry out offensive operations at the end of the rainy season.

Q: How many IDPs are there in Matupi Township?

A: Many people have fled to other countries while some people have fled to safer places in the country. The total number of the IDPs is estimated to reach between 3,000 and 4,000.

Q: At present, what kinds of difficulties are the IDPs facing?

A: The rainy season is going to come to an end. I think the IDPs shall face accommodation difficulty and a shortage of food and medicines. The IDPs are thrifty. As a matter of fact, the IDPs are in urgent need of food, medicine and clothes.

Q: How about the current military situation in Matupi?

A: The military council is carrying out reinforcements. The military welcomes the military vehicles coming from lower Myanmar. I think the military is working to control the southern area when they arrive in Matupi. Fighting may intensify in the southern area when the military troops arrive in Matupi.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: I would like to invite youths to cooperate in the regional defence instead of flocking to liberation areas. The elderly, children and the unhealthy persons shall flee to safer places without fail. Our youths need to defend our own region.

Sent by the KMG.

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