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“I would like to call on the international community to help us in order that the military cannot vindictively carry out the destruction of villages and arrests of villagers on suspicion whenever there are encounters with the PDFs. We are in urgent need of help” A Pinlebu PDF member

An interview with a member of Pinlebu PDF in Sagaing Region

October 18th, 2021

The military council has increased deployments of troops in Pinlebu Township in Sagaing Region where internet and phone access has been cut off. The KNG interviewed a member of Pinlebu-People’s Defence Force (PDF) about the displacement of people from around 12 villages in Pinlebu Township.

Q: What is happening after the internet shutdown in Pinlebu, Wontho and Kawlin Townships?

A: Total Internet shutdown occurred in Pinlebu since the afternoon of September 26th. The military carried out air strikes on three conflict-hit areas soon after the internet shutdown. After air strikes, the military council has deployed around 1,200 soldiers in Pinlebu. The military is carrying out area clearance operations.

Q: Is there intense fighting after September 26th?

A: There is no intense fighting after September 26th. There was intense fighting on September 24th, 25th and 26th. The military council suffered heavy casualties. At present, the military is carrying out the destruction of houses near the conflict-hit villages and some houses which have sewing machines on suspicion of making uniforms for the PDFs, after the deployment of troops.

Q: How do the people in Pinlebu Township overcome their difficulties?

A: More than 20,000 people from around 12 villages, where saw fighting on 24, 25 and 26 September, have fled to other villages by leaving plantations, monsoon paddy and crops and their animals behind.

Q: How do the fleeing locals survive? Are there any organizations which help them? Or else, how are they fleeing?

A: Our region faces more severe plights than ethnic areas as we have not made any preparations. Many people do not know the situation here as there is no NGO which helps them and no internet access. Locals have to aimlessly flee the fighting. The villages where they are temporarily staying, help them.

Q: The military council has cut off internet access in ten townships in Sagaing Region. May I know your review on what the military council is doing after the internet shutdown?

A: We entered the political circle as the military carried out an attempted coup. I don’t have much knowledge about politics and the military. As far as I know, the military wants to control the areas in the upper Sagaing Region, which are adjacent to the EAOs rather than Pinlebu, Kawlin and Wontho. The military is conducting checks on the roads from upper Myanmar by heavy deployment of troops.

Q: May I know how many soldiers the military is using to search for the PDF members in Pinlebu, Kawlin and Wontho?

A: Currently, I know the number in Pinlebu Township alone. I don’t get any contact due to internet blackouts in other townships. There are around 1,200 soldiers in Pinlebu Township. The military is carrying out surveillance by flights every day along with deployments of troops.

Q: Why is the military council making deployments in Pinlebu?

A: The military column which firstly entered the Pinlebu Township looked down on local PDFs. The military suffered heavy casualties in the encounters with local PDFs due to the military column’s lack of supervision and negligence. Local PDFs could seize many weapons. In my view, the military has suspected that the PDFs carried out attacks in cooperation with the EAOs and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), and assumed that many KIA members were deployed. That’s why the military is increasing deployments.

Q: Which message do you want to convey to the people and internationals?

A: I would like to request the international community to help us in order that the military cannot vindictively carry out the destruction of villages and arrests of villagers on suspicion whenever there are encounters with the PDFs in Pinlebu, Kawlin and Wontho Townships and with the PDFs across the country. We are in urgent need of help. Around 20,000 locals are in big trouble due to the lack of internet and phone access. We are in need of medicines and food.

Q: Thank you. Do you have anything to add?

A: At present, the military has deployed 1,200 soldiers in Pinlebu Township. From October 5th to 7th, the military deployed around 150-200 soldiers in Hmandaung adjacent to Pinlebu Township, by blocking the roads.

Sent by the KNG.

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