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“As Min Aung Hlaing staged a coup with the use of arms, NUG/ CRPH plans to make revolution by taking up arms. Our ethnic armed organizations have lost our ways and faced difficulty in seeking the solution to the problem through the dialogue.” Col Naw Bu (KIO/KIA)

An interview with Colonel Naw Bu, Spokesperson of the KIO (headquarters)

October 14th, 2021

Since early October, the military council has been sending rations to Tanai in Kachin State with the use of around 60 military vehicles. The military council carried out aerial strikes on the Battalion-26 and 35 under the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) which are located on Sagaing border. The military council’s flights are flying in Mohnyin and Hpakant Townships every day. The KNG interviewed the KIO’s Spokesperson Col Naw Bu about the KIA’s involvement in the fighting in Sagaing Region and Kachin State.

Q: Why is the military council sending more troops to Sagaing Border and Tanai?

A: The military council sends rations to its military outposts as the rainy season is going to come to an end. Another point is that the military sends weapons as it can be ready for fighting. It is easy to carry out reinforcements when fighting takes place in those regions. It is assumed that the military council is gradually carrying out the reinforcement of weapons. We carried out bombing attacks on the military council’s troops due to the military council’s operations along Ledo Road, citing security measures.

Q: May I know your view on where the military vehicles heading to Tanai along Ledo Road can go?

A: We have not investigated it in detail. But we have got the news that the military council is extending a military outpost in Shinbwayyan, Tayone and Tawan. It is easy for the military troops to go there if they arrive in Tanai. I think they will go to Tanai by car prominently.

Q: The military hardly used many cars significantly. They secretly carried out the reinforcement of weapons. May I know your view on why the military carried out activities significantly after the coup?

A: Take a look at the whole country, the military pays more attention to Kachin State. It is found that the military puts more blame on the KIO/KIA as the KIO/KIA give training to the People’s Defence Forces (PDFs). The military shall root out the PDFs and create disunity between the people and the KIA and the PDFs and the KIA. It is found that the military is making reinforcement as a preparation for military operations. The military is making reinforcements even if the KIA carries out attacks on it. The military is making preparations since the National Unity Government (NUG) declared a nationwide revolt.

Q: In the last week, the military council carried out aerial strikes in Indawgyi and Mongnaung. Can you tell me why the military did so in the region where there is no fighting?

A: I don’t know it exactly. In my view, the military has a suspicion that the KIA carried out attacks in cooperation with the PDFs on the Kachin-Sagaing border. The military has a suspicion that the KIA carried out attacks in Kawlin, Wontho and Sagaing. So, the military attacked the KIA’s Battalion-26 and 35. It may be a warning that the military will carry out military operations in those regions. It may be warning shots. It is just my personal view.

Q: How does the KIO want to respond to the military council’s blame on the KIO/KIA?

A: Heavy shells may fall on both sides when fighting takes place in any border areas. Heavy shells fired by the military council fell on the Chinese border several times. There may be cross-border shooting in any country. If we fire weapons to Sagaing-Kachin border, heavy shells will fall on Sagaing side. We are helping each other. We will help the PDFs in the fighting with the military as Sagaing Region is adjacent to Kachin State. But there has been no big fighting which goes beyond Sagaing Region whenever there are military operations. The military will say like that as the military has had doubts about the KIA since before. The situation has happened like this.

Q: Currently, the people worry that fighting may intensify. May I know the KIA’s view on it?

A: The KIO avoids fighting as much as it can. The situation in Myanmar will not reach a destination by fighting between the KIA and the army. In its statements, the KIO said all concerned organizations should solve the complex problem by finding the root cause. Now the current situation becomes more complex. Min Aung Hlaing staged a coup with the use of arms as the National Unity Government/ the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (NUG/ CRPH) plans to make revolution by taking up arms. Our ethnic armed organizations have lost our ways and faced difficulty in seeking the solution to the problem through dialogue. The military’s lack of change brings a heavy burden on the way of seeking the solution to the problem through dialogue. From the military point of view, we have a responsibility to ensure the security of our families and wards and villages when there is fighting. We all have a responsibility not to lose our territory. We all have a responsibility to do fencing. I would like to say that we all have a heavy responsibility.

Sent by the KNG.

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