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“We don’t intrude into the southern territory of the RCSS. The reason is the places where fighting is taking place were controlled by the SSPP. That’s why we have to fight back in self-defense” Major Sai Phone Han, Spokesperson the SSPP

An interview with the spokesperson of the SSPP

12th Oct 2021

Fighting which erupted between the SSPP and the RCSS over territorial dispute, continues till date. Dialogue has not materialized yet although the SSPP and the RCSS have issued statements about their desires to hold a dialogue in recent days. Shan political parties, social organizations and people have made demands for an end to the ongoing fighting several times in order to reach an agreement and ensure reunification between two Shan armed organizations. But the problem remains unresolved. But fighting continues there. The NMG interviewed the SSPP’s Spokesperson Major Sai Phone Han about difficulties to hold a dialogue, the SSPP’s attitude towards dialogue and how to end the ongoing fighting.

Q: Both the RCSS/SSPP have the same desire to hold a dialogue. What is the main reason for being unable to hold a dialogue?

A: We have been using the path of dialogue for more than decades. As a matter of fact, we have had the principle and policy to solve the political problem through dialogue. We have to solve the problems through armed struggle as no results come out from dialogue. We have not given up the way of seeking the solution to the problem through dialogue. We have a plan to continue holding our talk at the place and time agreeable to both sides. At present, no results have come out. We have to solve the problem by taking up arms as no results come out.

Q: What is the main reason for being unable to hold a dialogue?

A: We need to coordinate a situation suitable for both sides. Seeking the solution to the problem through dialogue is better. We have been working on it for decades. But what the other side says is totally different from what it does. We could carry out practical implementation of our decisions. We have to defend our territory. Now the conflict has resumed. In fact, we did not start this problem. It is a bit difficult to solve the problem as the other side creates it. Political parties and other organizations were involved in it. Efforts to solve this problem did not succeed. The major deterrent is not from our side. There are many examples that we always put the dialogue in the forefront.

Q: What are the major factors which ban the talk?

A: The reason for being unable to hold the talk is territorial designation. In fact, fighting is taking place in northern Shan State. At present, fighting is taking place in some areas of the southern Shan State. All these areas were controlled by the SSPP. There is no fighting which takes place due to the intrusion of the RCSS-controlled areas. That’s why the public, our alliances and monks are required to know that point. Fighting takes place in the territories where the SSPP were active. We have not made any intrusion yet.

Q: In recent days, the RCSS and the SSPP issued statements. In its statement, the SSPP said the RCSS would perform duties for southern Shan State as before. The RCSS responded that the dialogue would not work if the dialogue was held based on territorial restriction and pre-condition. May I know your response to it?

A: Yes. The main problem is territorial designation. They are Shan State Army. They can go anywhere and can do anywhere. It is their principle. The problem arises from it. We cannot hold the dialogue method as long as we cannot solve the problem of territorial designation. For instance, a monastery has to do fencing. A village has to demarcate its territory. We cannot go beyond it. We need to take account of mutual respect and recognition. The RCSS’s no paying attention to the territorial designation would amount to making no recognition of the SSPP. We need to think about it as a basic fact in solving our problem.

Q: There are reviews that fighting would continue due to different stances. How can we make efforts to stop fighting under this circumstance?

A: We have said that we stay in our respective places. We can resume our talk tomorrow when the said condition is restored. We have no plan to capture the RCSS-controlled territory.

Q: Do you want to say that the current conflict will come to an end if the RCSS withdraws its troops to the southern area?

A: Yes. We don’t intrude into the southern territory of the RCSS. The reason is the places where fighting is taking place were controlled by the SSPP. That’s why we have to fight back in self-defense. We are working for our existence. There will be no fighting if both sides make demarcation of territory.

Q: In its recent statement, the RCSS said the military council’s troops allowed the SSPP and the TNLA to freely use roads in order to transport their troops. May I know your response to it?

A: No. It is totally wrong. Cooperation with the military council is deceiving the public. The RCSS knew who would give the nod. It is impossible for the government to help an armed revolutionary organization. It is possible only when we protect our country from external threats. It is impossible for a government to help an armed organization in the time of local armed conflict. It aims to delude the public.

Q: Due to fighting, the people face huge losses. Which message do you want to convey to the public?

A: We don’t start this problem when we are solving the problem by taking up arms. I would like to say that we have to fight back against the RCSS which started this problem, in self-defense. We are not working with the aim of harming the public. We have a desire to hold a dialogue as quickly as possible. I would like to say that we never close the path of dialogue.


Sent by NMG

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