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Peace Related Activities – (May 2017)

Village administrators from Maungdaw summoned to security meeting

Body found in Bangladesh refugee camp

Over 100 villagers return home after Namtu fighting subsides

After local complaints, KNU calls on Tatmadaw to remove camps in Hpapun District

Striking for Peace and political power in Myanmar: Seeking true unity in the struggling Union

‘The ethnic people attend these conferences to discuss the Union’ not to be scolded by the Burmese, says Arakan Army leader

MNP criticizes signing of Union Accord

UN rights council names team to probe Myanmar abuses

Myanmar military probing suspect civilian deaths

Federal system to take shape by 2019, presidential spokesperson says

Residents call on KNU to scrap contentious cement factory plans

DKBA issues warning to troops, public against illicit trafficking activities

Six villagers given prison time for trespassing in Rakhine State land dispute

Secession fears cloud Myanmar peace talks: government

7 non-ceasefire signatory armed groups leave peace conference without reaching agreements in Myanmar

TNLA says its ready to extend an olive branch in midst of inter-ethnic clashes in Shan State

Wa army reaffirms refusal to sign NCA

Panglong fails to address need for landmine clearance agreements

Mon political parties decry effort to ban secession at peace talks

Proposal for a ‘federal army’ prompts heated debate at Panglong talks

SNLD urges everyone to stick to the letter of the Panglong Agreement

Mon party finds ethnic voices limited at Union Peace Conference

Union Peace Conference achieves agreement on the majority of points in five sectors

ALP ‘doesn’t expect a good outcome’ from the Panglong meet: interview

BGF arrests tree planters in Mon State’s Dar Li forest reserve

In last minute move, the FPNCC will attend peace talks

Myaing Gyi Ngu shelter in need of roof repair, supplies

More families displaced by TNLA, RCSS fighting

Even as “Special Guests,” UNFC will not attend peace conference

Lisu protest against alleged harassment by Kachin Independence Army

RCSS to refrain from signing any agreements at 21st-Century Panglong Conference

Ye Township Offshore Supply Base construction temporarily suspended

Residents protest Chinese oil tankers in Kyaukphyu

KNU promises to promote the nationwide ceasefire agreement

RCSS and SSPP both mark Shan Revolution Day

Northern Alliance members unlikely to attend Panglong Conference

Rakhine residents to launch a motorboat protest against China’s oil tankers

KNU official in hot water for carrying arms

SNLD fears attempts to withdraw secession clause

NBF calls on government not to allow more national-level dialogues

China to help Myanmar achieve peace

Manpang People’s Militia accused of forced recruitment

Mon State government urges ethnic armed group to sign the NCA

Joint monitoring committee to try to release detained KNU soldiers

Youth organizers unhappy with perceived lack of support from Rakhine State chief minister

Myeik interfaith forum participants to create conflict prevention network

Villagers flee renewed hostilities between RCSS and TNLA

300 villagers displaced as Burmese army, TNLA clash in Namtu

Ethnic armed group reports escalation in northern Shan State hostilities ahead of peace talks

Natural gas power plant set to be completed next year

Bangladesh urges Myanmar to repatriate Rohingya refugees

Border sentry injured after allegedly being shot by Tatmadaw patrol

10,000 Laikha residents do not have ID cards: SNLD

1st Myanmar-China Think Tank Forum held in China

Fighting reignites in Kokang region

Kayah State politicians reflect on limited public engagement

KNPP re-elects current chair in vote for continuity

Maday Island residents demand China fund area development projects

23 landmines uncovered near Namtu temple

Beyond Ethnic Politics in Myanmar

Activists, local residents call for suspension of all dams on the Salween

Karenni armed group accused of obstructing arrests in illegal logging case

Learning to share: The CSSU Annual Meeting, 4-5 May 2017

Jump-starting the stalled peace process

Bomb blast injures 8 novice monks in Namtu

KIO leaves UNFC steering the ethnic armed alliance a shakeup

>Ethnic alliance’s unity undermined as key players resign

Lieutenant General Yawd Serk re-appointed CSSU chair

Tatmadaw personnel in Rakhine allege they have been prevented from retiring

CSSU decides to hold national level political dialogue

Villagers Demand Return of Confiscated Land at Ceasefire Monitoring Team Meeting

Military agrees to return seized lands in Laikha

Hsipaw residents demand their land back

State Counsellor leaves for Europe

JMC-S promises to ensure retired soldiers stop flouting the law

Family marks 10-month memorial of Kachin student’s death

Karen groups tries to promote public awareness about federalism

April 2017

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