15 January 2025 /

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New Mon State Party (NMSP) (2022 – 2023)

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Established: 20 July, 1958

Headquarters: Ye Chaung Phya in Mon State.

Active Territories: Thaton, Paung, Chaungzon, Chaungsone, Mawlamyine, Kyaikmaraw, Mudon, Thanbyuzayat and Ye in Mon State; Yebyu, Myeik and Dawei in Tanintharyi Region; Kyarinseikgyi, Hpa-An, Kawkareik and Phayathonesu valley in Kayin State.

Strength: More than 1,500 (Auxiliary Force 5,000)

Chair – Nai Han Thar

Vice Chair – Nai Aung Min

General Secretary – Nai Kyaw Ye

The New Mon State Party (NMSP) reached a ceasefire agreement with the military government on June 29th, 1995, but contact between the two sides broke off in April 2010 after the military pressured the group to transform itself into a border guard force.

The NMSP, along with other ethnic armed groups, participated in the peace process under the U Thein Sein administration. Although the group agreed to a state-level ceasefire with the government on February 1st, 2012, it did not sign the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in October 2015. It was not until February 13th, 2018, under the President U Htin Kyaw National League for Democracy (NLD) government, that the NMSP joined the peace process and signed the NCA.

Although infrequent clashes have occured between the Karen National Union (KNU/KNLA) and the NMSP due to border disputes, repeated efforts have been made to hold talks between the two sides.

After an October 2019 meeting between the leaders of the NMSP and the KNU Brigade-6, an agreement was made to find a solution without resorting to violence and allow the Mon-Karen communities to live side-by-side peacefully. A meeting on October 11th, 2020 between the NMSP and the KNU/KNLA Peace Council (KPC) had to be arranged after the two sides exchanged gunfire.

Regarding the obstacles to the peace process in the country, the NMSP chairman said in an interview with the Myanmar Peace Monitor that the Tatmadaw did not want to agree to the six principles of peace because it adhered to the 2008 constitution.

Following the February 2021 military coup, the NMSP cooperated with the PPST. There were talks between the group and the State Administration Council (SAC). It participated in the 6th anniversary of the signing of the NCA.

In media reports dated August 22nd, 2021, the MNSP Chairman Nai Hong Sar said: “We must take advantage of the Burmese people’s resistance to the SAC and unite our forces to fight. We must support the NUG. There could be no advantage in joining the SAC.”

The PPST is led by NMSP Vice Chairman Nai Aung Min.

Nai Han Thar, the Chair of the NMSP said at a ceremony to mark the 74th Mon Revolution Day that the need to encourage the National Unity Government (NUG) to cooperate with the military council is useless. However, the NMSP held dialogue with the military council more than five times. Its view is that the political problem should be resolved by political means. They signed a seven-point agreement, including building a strong multi-party democratic system and establishing a federal union to deal with Mon affairs. 85

The NMSP, which has actively participated in the peace process after signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) on 12 February 2018, has taken the leadership position in the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) following the military coup and is engaged in dialogue with the military council. In April 2023, it resigned from the PPST and reduced its participation in the PPST.

NMSP Chair Nai Han Thar, who adheres to the dialogue process, said that if all the ethnic armed organizations join the Spring Revolution to eradicate the military dictatorship, he would do the same. 86

According to a statement released by the NMSP on Mon National Day 5 February, 2023, an election without resolving the political crisis would lead to bloody conflict. The NMSP added that it would work with all ethnic groups to create their own destiny. In addition, the statement pointed out that even though it is holding meetings with the military council under the 2008 Constitution. This means the rights of the ethnic peoples are far from being expected. 87

The NUG’s Acting President Duwa Lashi La has invited the NMSP to work together to build a federal democratic union.

Clashes with the military council forceThere have been no clashes with the military council.
Clashes with the EROsThere were some skirmishes between the ground forces of the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA) and the NMSP in 2019. On 11 October, 2020, there was an exchange of fire between the KNU/KNLA-Peace Council (PC) and the NMSP.


Ceasefires and Peace Process
Peace Negotiations
Step 1 – State – Level ceasefire
(February 1, 2012)
NCA – February 13, 2018
Former Ceasefire Agreement – June 29, 1995

Official Representative Team
Outside Myanmar
1. Naing Han Thar
2. Naing Tala Nyi

Within Myanmar
1. Naing Htaw Mon
2. Naing Ta La Nyi
3. General Zay Ya
4. Naing Aung Min (Secretary 1)
5. Brigadier General La Yee Kaung

Liaison Offices
1. Mudon
2. THanbyuzayat
3. Ye
4. Ye Phyu (Ye Phyu Village)
5. Kyeik Ma Yaw
6. Zinn Kyeik (Pung Township)
7. Myeik

1. Myawaddy
2. Phaya Thone Su
3. Mawlamyaing

SD and
DPN member

Phone:+66 80 503 0849

Mon Peace Monitoring Group

Following a peace process monitoring workshop in Shwe Myint Moh Tun Hotel, Mawlamyine city, Mon state on 7 June 2013, 15 members were selected to run a peace monitoring group for Mon State.

About 120 representatives from the Social Welfare minister of Mon State, Economic and Planning minister of Mon State, Mon affairs minister in Karen State, Politicians, Mon state MPs, businessmen, civic groups, youth groups and individuals attended the workshop.


 # Date Location Armed Group Rep Govt Rep Details
106/10/2011Ye Township, compound of govt. Infantry Unit No. 61Nai Tala NyiMon state Minister for Security and Border Affairs, Col.Htay Myint AungPreliminary meeting
The party also proposed that the government announce a nationwide ceasefire and to hold a dialogue with the UNFC [United Nationalities Federal Council] to solve political problems.
Other NMSP delegates: Nai Baya Lai; and Nai Hong Sar
Other govt. delegates: Colonel Tun Tun Nyi of the Southeast Command; and Mon state municipal officials
213/11/2011Ye Chaung Phya, NMSP headquartersNai Htaw Mon5 member envoy from the Mon state Govt as peace create team (peace mediators)Preliminary Meeting
There were discussions about avoiding clashes between their respective armies, opening liaison offices and cooperating in undertaking business and development projects in the state. The talks included an agreement that both sides would inform the other side in advance if one side wanted to enter the other’s control area with weapons.
Other NMSP delegates: Nai Rawsa, Nai Hong Sa
Govt Delegates: former NMSP central executive member Nai Tin Aung and former central committee member Nai Soe Myint; Mon National Democratic Front central executive member Nai Thet Lwin, Dr. Min Kyi Win, Buddhist Abbot Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kaytumarlar
322/12/2011Sankalaburi, Kanchanaburi Province, ThailandNai Hong SaAung MinPreliminary Meeting
Other NMSP delegates: Bun Thai, Nai Banyar Leh, Nai Shwe Thein
401/02/2012Moulmein, Mon stateNai RawsaAung MinState-level 5 point Ceasefire
Other NMSP delegates: Bri-Gen La Yi Kaung, Nai, Tala Nyi, Maj. San Aye, Nai Arca
Other govt. delegates: Union Minister U Soe Thein, Union Minister U Zaw Min, State Chief Minister U Ohn Myint, Commander of South-East Command Maj-Gen Tin Maung Win, Mon state Minister for Security and Border Affairs Col Htay Myint Aung, the General Staff Officer (Grade-I) (People’s Militia), the Mon state Advocate-General, the secretary of Mon State Government and officials
525/02/2012Moulmein, Mon stateNai RawsaAung MinUnion level 4 point Ceasefire
Other NMSP delegates: Bri-Gen La Yi Kaung, Nai Tala Nyi, Maj. San Aye, Nai Arca
Other Govt. Delegates: Union Minister U Soe Thein, Union Minister U Zaw Min, Union Minister U Win Tun and State Chief Minister U Ohn Myint, Commander of South-East Command Maj-Gen Tin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Border Affairs Maj-Gen Zaw Win, Mon state Security and Border Affairs Minister Col Htay Myint Aung, the general staff officer (Grade I) from Commander-in-Chief (Army) Office, the general staff officer (Grade I) (militia) of South-East Command, Mon State advocate-general and officials
611/04/2012Moulmein, Mon stateNai Aung Min, Nai Tala NyiAung MinUnion level meeting – the perpetuation of ceasefire
Other Govt. Delegates: U Khin Yi from Union level peace-making group, State Chief Minister U Ohn Myint, Commander Maj-Gen Tin Maung Win, Lt-Col Zaw Naing Oo of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Minister for Security and Border Affairs Col Htay Myint Aung from Union level peace-making group, the State Advocate-General, Lt-Col Kyaw Myint from the South-East Command, the Secretary of State Government, U Shwe Thaung from Region Development Supervisory Office,
704/08/2013MawlamyaingNMSPMPCFor the National accord agreement, MPC met the NMSP at Mawlamyaing informally
814/01/2014Hpa-amKaren Arms Groups 4 and NMSPKhinn Yee, State Minister Zaw Min and immigration officersGovt and Karen arms groups and NMSP meet in pha am, karen state government office. Govt explain about the nationwide census, immigration law and asking for their cooperation for census.
901/09/2014MawlamyineNMSPPublic consultation


negotiation terms/process:

  1. To start political dialogue within 45 days of ceasefire.
  2. Allowing observers to participate in meetings.
  3. To start political dialogue between representatives of armed national races organizations and representatives of the government after ceasefire of all armed national races organizations. In case ceasefire is not secured with all the organizations till December 2012, to start the political dialogue between representatives of the ceasefire organizations and representatives of the government.
  4. To continue talks on national reconciliation, based on political compromises with participation of representatives of domestic national political parties and democratic forces.
  5. To initiate procedures for prompt implementation of agreement reached in the above-mentioned dialogue.
  6. To not extend military strength in Mon state and related areas in period of ceasefire.
  7. To work for stability and development of education, health and social sectors of the region in coordination with respective national races armed organizations and the government as the ceasefire comes into effect.
  8. To have the right to communicate with the public and help each others.
  9. To have the right to communicate with domestic political parties.
  10. To have the right to communicate with news agencies and media.
  11. To inform the public of outcomes of political dialogue as required.
  12. To conduct negotiation in advance in communicating with the foreign diplomats.
  13. To release all political prisoners remaining in the prisons and to free comrades of New Mon State Party in prisons with sympathy as well.
  14. To avoid forced labour by both sides, apart from volunteers. To solve problems of land confiscation by the Myanmar military.


  • Releasing imprisoned party members including Nai Myo Thway and Nai Yekka
  • To hold political dialogue


28 December 2019 – NMSP’s statement

23 October 2019 – NMSP released a statement regarding meeting of KNU and NMSP

26 December 2018 – NMSP released a statement regarding office of the commander-in-chief of defence services’ statement

23 March 2018 – Mon State National Level Political Dialogue Supervisory Committee

11 February 2018- NMSP and LDU removed from blacklist

1 February 2018 – NMSP released a statement regarding 71st anniversary of Mon National Day(MM)

21 January 2018 – NMSP released a statement regarding signing NCA

13 May 2017 – NMSP released a statement in Mon Language

12 February 2017 – NMSP released a statement regarding 70th anniversary of Mon National Day(MM)

25 December 2016 – NMSP released a statement regarding fake Mon Ethnic

25 October 2015 – NMSP released a statement in Mon language

May 06, 2014 – British Ambassador Meets With Mon Political Parties and NMSP

January 30, 2013: The NMSP issued a statement on the intensive armed conflict in Kachin state

June 19, 2012: The NMSP has threatened to break its four-month-old ceasefire agreement with the Myanmar government if Naypyidaw fails to hold political talks with all the ethnic armed groups by the end of this year, according to the party secretary.

February 8, 2012: NMSP chairman said that the group will not sign a ceasefire with the Myanmar government while it continues to wage war against ethnic Kachins


Nai Hong Sar, the secretary of NMSP and the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), told Mizzima in October 2011 that the NMSP wanted all discussions with the government to involve the UNFC while the government wanted to negotiate with the NMSP separately.

NMSP leaders had informal meetings with ethnic political leaders in 2012.

NMSP representatives met 88 generation leaders who visited Mon state (11 November 2012)

International Partnerships


Nippon foundation –

Reference: Deciphering Myanmar’s Peace Process – A Reference Guide (2022 – 2023)

Karen National Union (KNU)

Arakan National Council (ANC/AA)

All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF)

Chin National Front (CNF/CNA)

Karen National Union (KNU)

Arakan National Council (ANC/AA)

All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF)

Chin National Front (CNF/CNA)

Arakan Liberation Party/Army (ALP/ALA)

Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA)

Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA)

Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP/KA)

Kuki National Organization (Burma)

Lahu Democratic Union (LDU)

Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA)

National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA-ESS)

New Mon State Party (NMSP)

National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K)

Pa-Oh National Liberation Organization (PNLO)

The Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA)

The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS/SSA – South)

Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA – North)

United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA)